Face-to-face course
The Fascial Component in Osteopathic Practice
With Paolo Tozzi, MSc Ost, DO, PT
30 August - 1 september, 2024 | 9am-4pm | ALBURY, NSW, AUSTRALIA
As a structural element of the body connective system, fascia can be considered as a ubiquitous tissue permeating the whole organism. It seems to respond to cellular and macroscopic lines of tension by reorganizing itself accordingly. From this perspective, the repercussion of a fascial restriction will be body-wide, and may potentially create stress on any structure enveloped by fascia itself. Yet osteopathic fascial treatment aims to release such tensions, to restore function and to balance the inherent body mechanisms, so to be often proposed as an adjunctive treatment for various conditions.
This course will offer an overview of the most common fascial techniques used within the osteopathic armamentarium, together with their different forms of application, ranging from indirect, direct to combined methods.
To guide the clinician through the understanding and the application of such fascial tools, various evidence-based mechanisms as well as different hypothesis based on osteopathic principles will be proposed and discussed.
Course objectives:
To present the connective tissue as the major bio-mechanical and bio-electrical mediator of the structure and function interrelationship;
To propose various fascial mechanisms by which somatic dysfunction may be induced and maintained;
To illustrate the most common fascial techniques in osteopathic practice;
To propose different fascia-mediated mechanisms behind the OMT efficacy and effectiveness.
Techniques we’ll cover
The fascial continuum in its structure and function: introduction to the main anatomical and physiological properties of fascia
Dimensional palpation of the various connective tissues levels
The bioelectric approach: intention, attention, activation processes for fascial evaluation and treatment
The connective tissue from a tensegritive prospective: from cellular to body level.
Global and local tenso-compression test and treatment
The Zink test: evaluation and treatment of the central myofascial pattern
The fascial tubes system: assessment and balancing of the meningeal, visceral and axial fascial tubes
The fascial rhythm: evaluation of its properties and anomalies through general/remote and focal/local listening
The Fascial Unwinding: History, Principles, Methods of application
Practice of local and global fascial unwinding
Rationale, Evidences, Indications and counterindications of osteopathic fascial work
The Still Technique: History, Principles, Methods of application
The Still Technique applied to fascia
The osteopathic evaluation and treatment of scar tissue: local (gliding, pressure, tensility, rolling, motility), segmental (vertebral), global (cranio-sacral)
about the presenter
Paolo Tozzi
MSc Ost, DO, PT
Master Science in Osteopathy at the Dresda University (Germany)
Doctorat en Osteopathie and Posturologie at the International Association Jean Monnet, amongst the European University Foundation of Bruxelles (Belgium)
Bachelor Science Honours Degree in Osteopathy, D.O., at the European School of Osteopathy, Maidstone (UK)
Degree in Physiotherapy at the Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Rome (Italy)
Master Level Reiki Diploma at the Sri Papaji Centre, Rome (Italy)
Head of Academics of the ASOMI College of Sciences in Malta
Honorary Tutor in College of Human and Health Sciences for the Swansea University
Former Treasurer of the Osteopathic European Academic Network (Os.E.A.N.)
Former Viceprincipal of the School of Osteopathy CROMON of Rome; former Vicepresident of the Italian Association of Posturologists (A.I.R.O.P.)
Member of the Fascia Science and Clinical Applications Advisory Board of the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
Reviewer for Handspring Publishing (UK)
Former reviewer for the International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine
Lecturer of biomechanics and manual therapy in different universities in Rome
Lecturer of various post-graduate courses on osteopathic subjects in Italy, Europe and overseas
Speaker in various national and international congresses of osteopathic medicine and manual therapy (including the International Fascia Research Congress)
Author of various articles on fascia and fascia research
Expert on Osteopathy applied to domestic and exotic animals.
Event details
Date: 30th August - 1st September
Time: 9am to 4pm
Please arrive 15 minutes early for registration.
Location: Inspire Health Albury, 657 David St, Albury NSW 2640 (cnr Crisp St)
Getting here:
Driving: 3.5 hours from Melbourne, 6 hours from Sydney
Flying: Albury has a regional airport with direct flights from Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast
Meals: Fully catered—please advise if you have dietary requirements via email hello@wisdomexchange.com.au
Fee: AUD $1350 (includes GST)
This course is only open to Osteopaths and Osteopathic students
It is recommended that you read the material in the pre-reading section of your course curriculum. There will also be a copy of your course presentation. It is recommended that you print these slides ready for the presentation.
You will need a bottle of water, pen, a notepad or paper to write on and a printed copy of your presentation slides. Printing out your course pre-reading material would be helpful, yet, not essential.
Completing the whole course will give you 25 CPD points. Please note, only the person who purchases the course will receive a certificate of attendance and gain the CPD points.
La Maisons - Wodonga
Thai Pukka - Albury
The Boat Shed - Lake Hume Resort - modern Australian food.
The Public House - Albury, nice pub style food.
Din Din’s - Albury, Asian Fusion.
Hapi Dumpling Bar - Albury, Casual Dining
Miss Amelie - Wodonga, Fine Dining.
Contact Inspire Health Albury on (02) 60411329 or email hello@wisdomexchange.com.au if you have any questions.
On the day of the course, if you need to contact someone urgently, contact Thanuja Vanderhoek on 0418164174