This seminar presents the current research, epidemiology and outcome measures with regard to feeding, latch and tongue tie so that you can easily assess and treat these patients using an osteopathic lens.

2 hours

If osteopaths are lacking in the current knowledge in feeding, latching and tongue tie, diagnostics can be a challenge with paediatric infants. Many osteopaths can find it confusing with the conflicting concepts and knowledge base surrounding this topic.

This seminar presents the current research, epidemiology and outcome measures with regard to feeding, latch and tongue tie so that you can easily assess and treat these patients using an osteopathic lens.


In this seminar you will:

  • Gain an understanding of the concepts of feeding and tongue tie in the paediatric infant. 

  • Explore the definition, epidemiology and research surrounding tongue tie

  • Identify causal and predisposing factors. 

  • Gain an understanding of the current standard assessment tools for tongue tie knowing when to refer these patients. 

  • Have a comprehensive structural framework for working with babies with feeding + latch + tongue tie concerns within the osteopathic setting. 

  • Learn how to educate parents using simple language that they can understand. 

  • Undertake practical osteopathic techniques to assist with the integration of these concepts.


What we'll cover

  1. Definition of feeding issues

  2. List of common inability to suck affectively, click, chomping, gagging - signs and symptoms of feeding difficulties

  3. Causal factors for osteopathic dysfunction from the birth process - posterior presentation, brow presentation; Intervention - forceps + ventouse + fast/long labour

  4. Definition of Tongue Tie 

  5. Diagnosis of Tongue Tie (Classic Ant + Post Tongue Tie) + Lip tie 

  6. Traditional + current language around tongue tie

  7. Epidemiology + current research surrounding Tongue Tie

  8. Standard Assessment Tools - Hazelbaker + Bristol Assessment (Outcome measures) 

  9. Osteopathic palpation of mouth - lip, tongue, jaw, hyoid, upper Cx complex

  10. Osteopathic Treatment Techniques - lip sweep, MFR genioglossus, digastric, masseter deep + superficial, decompression TMJ


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