Introduction to Osteopathy in the Paediatric Field

This seminar provides a comprehensive structural framework for assessing and treating paediatric infants within the osteopathic setting.

In this seminar you will:

  • Understand common areas influenced by the birth process

  • Understand common conditions seen in osteopathic practice

  • Identify osteopathic strain patterns that affect the paediatric infant 

  • Learn tests and osteopathic techniques to assist with integration of these concepts.


What we'll cover

  1. Normal birth process (midwife perspective) + common presentations + interventions - presented by Midwife Kerri-Ann Baxter (recording)

  2. Osteopathic perspective on birth process: common conditions seen in osteopathic practice + DDx + Red Flags.

  3. Normal delivery - osteopathic perspective from the forces of labour.

  4. Common areas influenced through the birth process. 

  5. Common areas of grouping - compression, flexion + extension lesioning.

  6. Common sites of intraosseous strain.

  7. Common conditions seen in osteopathic practice. 

  8. Osteopathic perspective of the influences from cord around neck and limb presentation during birth.

  9. Common musculoskeletal conditions seen following birth, including concepts of first breath, cephalohematoma, blocked tear duct, jaundice and foetal distress.

  10. Osteopathic Technique - 4 parts of occiput, sacrum, clavicle, 1st rib, 2nd Rib, anterior cervical fascia, first breath.


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